Vol.8, No.1 | [Book Review] Visual Anthropology in Sardinia Silvio Carta, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015, 209pp, ISBN 978-3-0343-0998-1
documentary cinema starting from the first productions up to the 1992 film Tempus de Baristas (Time of the Barmen) by David MacDougall,1 focusing on
the several methods of representation of Sardinian culture at different times. The book as a whole is properly thought out: the first chapter outlines the
characteristics of “observational cinema”; the second chapter is about the way ethnographic cinema carries out a representation of culture; in the third chapter
we see how “illustrative documentaries” suggest a dominant way of seeing Sardinian culture; the fourth chapter focuses mainly on Vittorio De Seta’s
Banditi ad Orgosolo (Bandits of Orgosolo),2 seen as a real anthropological film; and the fifth chapter deals with MacDougall’s Tempus de Baristas.
Keywords: Book Review