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44 Vol.4, No.1 [Book Review] Pripek – Past and Present 첨부 5324
43 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Pedro I of Castile(1350-69): A Mediterranean Prince Captured in a C h ivalric Paradigm 첨부 4953
42 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Written Heritage in The Mediterranean: Research Developments in Spain 첨부 4752
41 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Homer as a Point of Departure: Epic Similes in The Divine Comedy 첨부 4894
40 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Umberto Saba, between Nature and Divine Providence 첨부 5431
39 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] The Expansion of Mediterranean Judaism and the Synagogue at Delos 첨부 5422
38 Vol.3, No.2 [Book Review] Il Mediterraneo Economia e Sviluppo 첨부 4728
37 Vol.3, No.2 [Book Review] The Handbook of European Welfare Systems 첨부 5582
36 Vol.3, No.2 [Articles] French Foreign Policy towards Africa under Jacques Chirac 첨부 4941
35 Vol.3, No.2 [Articles] Population Growth and Economic Development in Southern Mediterranean Countries: A Compara… 첨부 5634
34 Vol.3, No.2 [Articles] Representing Change and Stagnation in the Arab World: Re-thinking a Research Design 첨부 5517
33 Vol.3, No.2 [Articles] Wolf-warriors, the Argonauts, and the foundation of Trebizond 첨부 5650
32 Vol.3, No.1 [Book Review] Une Tutelle Coloniale : Le Mandat français en Syrie et au Liban. Écrits politiques de … 첨부 5672
31 Vol.3, No.1 [Book Review] Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean : Trends, Policies and Welfare Pro… 첨부 5653
30 Vol.3, No.1 [Articles] Discovering the Diversities of Indonesian Islam in Contemporary Cairo: The Case of the In… 첨부 5084
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