
Total 164, 8 Page
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59 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Homer as a Point of Departure: Epic Similes in The Divine Comedy 첨부 4193
58 Vol.13, No.1 [Article] Plato’s Geometric Figure and Thales Theorem: Meno 86e-87b 첨부 4191
57 Vol.2, No.1 [Articles] Study on the "Colloquial language" in B. Fenoglios works 첨부 4171
56 Vol.10, No.1 [Article]Fiction and Conversion: The Powers of the Word in Amad ís de Gaula, Las sergas de Esplandi … 첨부 4157
55 Vol.6, No.1 [Articles] Cultural Diversity in Greek Religion: From the Modern Anastenaria Festival to the Ancient… 첨부 4145
54 Vol.1, No.1 [Articles] A Court for Homicide presented in Drako’s Law : Akousios and Bouleusis 첨부 4131
53 Vol.4, No.1 [Articles] Written Heritage in The Mediterranean: Research Developments in Spain 첨부 4125
52 Vol.1, No.1 [Book Review] Histoire de l'agriculture en Gaule: 500 AV. J.C. ­ 1000 APR. J.-C. 첨부 4113
51 Vol.3, No.2 [Book Review] Il Mediterraneo Economia e Sviluppo 첨부 4091
50 Vol.5, No.2 [Book Review] Who Are the Christians in the Middle East? 첨부 4055
49 Vol.1, No.1 [Articles] The Cultural Dimensions of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 첨부 4052
48 Vol.13, No.1 [Article] A Cultural Analysis of Turkic Folk Beliefs and Turkish Horror Movies 첨부 4011
47 Vol.10, No.1 [Article] Freedom of Religion in North Africa The Post-Arab Spring Period and Constitutional Develop… 첨부 3881
46 Vol.10, No.1 [Book Review] Subversives and Mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean: A Subaltern History Odile Morea… 첨부 3684
45 Vol.14, No.1 [Article] The Global Perception on the Three Great Cuisines in the World: Focused on the exploration… 첨부 3674
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